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Where Leaders Connect®
Finding Happiness as an Entrepreneur with David Solomon
CorporateConnections Canada National Director Trevor Botkin sits down with Montreal member and Founder of SERO Growth, David Solomon, to talk about the journey from salesman to entrepreneur.
Trevor Botkin
and welcome back to where leaders connect the corporate connections podcast where we sit down with business leaders from across our membership in Canada and talk to them about what interests them? What are they doing in business. What gets them up every morning and how do they like to spend their time. My name is Trevor Botkin I'm the national director and co-owner of corporate connections canada and it is my incredible pleasure today to have a very good friend and a member of Montreal to Mr. David Solomon on the show .
David has been a proficient catalyst for business growth blending his corporate management skills with expertise in business development for over 3 decades not that he looks at. Looks much younger than having done this for 3 decades he's consistently achieved, remarkable success fostering regular growth for small and medium sized businesses with an MBA from Mcgill University and a BA from western university he is also a lecturer at Mcgill University's MBA program. Please welcome to the show.David Solomon you hey buddy I'm good things how you doing so this is season 2 of where leaders connect and you're actually our first guest for season 2 which is my honor.
David Solomon
How you doing awesome.
David Solomon
My honor as well said.
I'm I'm going to start today because we're going to get into what you do which in the six years that I've known you has changed a couple of times but I think there's always been a through line um in terms of what you do. It's changed a little bit where you've done it. But I think what you've done has been consistent. Um. But I'm going to start with a couple rapid fire questions that you've not seen before just to put you on the spot and first ones is when you're not working how do you like to spend your time.
David Solomon
Us And for.
David Solomon
How do I spend my time I'm one of those I Love Sports. So for me, um I started playing hockey at the age of 34 so I got into that because my parents denied me of sports So I had to fill it all in. So now. It's hockey and then now lately it's. Pickle ball with my wife golf with my kids and my wife as Well. She picked it up during Covid Um, love to cook together. It's like in the kitchen. It's It's fun and got to tell you glass of scotch every once in a while it was always ah a pleasure.
So other than the pickle ball which have not tried golf which I do not excel at um, you had me at scotch. So yeah, yeah, perfect. What are you currently reading.
David Solomon
Um, okay, but we'll have to share a glass one of these days. Um, it's it's funny it's it's I'm I'm trying to remember the name of the book. But it is from the founder of Mos Seo he talks about his path as a startup and why people should stop ah thinking that there's a big payout at the end of the day if you have a startup and technology. It's I forgot the name sorry I have to look it up.
Well you if you remember the name let me know because it sounds like something I'd want to read I think it's a fascinating subject to have um with the the current grind culture. The the you know I think Gary Vaynerchuk has ah has a big piece of that.
David Solomon
Oh yeah.
Where we really made it sexy to be an entrepreneur and and that and the reality is it's it's slogging. It's hard work and most of us won't get rich being an entrepreneur.
David Solomon
No, and and that's that's that's what he's trying to do and he's trying to tell people straight out. It's called lost and founder actually um and his and is Rand fiskin is his name and he literally is warning everybody people when you go into this. There's all the Hype.
Oh nice.
David Solomon
But here's the beware of and all the stuff that people never told you when you got into a technology startup when you're looking for Vc funding when you look at it's it's a great eye opener book and I think it doesn't matter that it's technology based it's 100% for
Should should entrepreneurship should come with a warning label. No yeah yeah I think I think technology that that sexy one especially with the Vc backing.
David Solomon
David Solomon
Where there is a ah big. Ah big push towards that everyone wanted to get in that text base. But at the end of the day business is business right? and running people you know personalities team on that. Okay, so last question um what does success mean to you.
David Solomon
Business is business. Yep yep.
David Solomon
It's funny. It's changed over the years it originally was financial now it's happiness as I have aging parents and I see you know they're lifestyle now as they're struggling. They're in their eighty s it's like for me, it's like it's happiness at the end of the day with the family being able to do.
David Solomon
What I want to do? um I don't have to be the richest I will never be the richest but I definitely want to be the one of the happier people right now and that to me is success.
Okay, so just taking that one step further because I know a lot of people would equate happiness with financial freedom with the ability to do what they want when they want how they want. How would you define differently that concept of happiness. If you're disconnecting it from a financial wealth or freedom.
David Solomon
You know in it's it's I seen a lot of families break up, not just divorces parents and children. Um other members of the family friends that you've had for a long time and for me I'm surrounded I'm very lucky I'm surrounded by great friends. Great family.
David Solomon
And that is a success for me is like to have that and to continue to get together have laps I don't need to um and I'm not looking for you know would I like to go to italy every couple of years sure why not Hawaii why? not, but it's not that's not the end game. The end game is. What have we done? are we happy day to day and that to me is the success part. So if you're surrounded with the right people. Um, and I mean family friends that success I literally realize money There's no end to it I mean we can make the more you make the greater the stresses. So I'm not. There isn't I don't see that relationship between money and happiness the same way. Others do, but that's just me.
Sure sure and I think I think society or certainly Madison Avenue would would have us all believe that the more money we have the more we can buy the more we can buy the happier we are and I think sometimes my wife would say that I fall into that trap based on my my Amazon purchases but to.
David Solomon
Ah, oh Youtube. Okay.
Oh yes, we have our weaknesses and as motorcycle season comes up I tend to get a little bit less thrifty with my spending towards getting ready for the season. Let's let's jump into um what you do because I think it's really fascinating and you've had an interesting journey over the last couple of years. Um, we met in 2018 when I first started with corporate connections and at that time you were doing something similar but you were doing it as an employee you you were um, maybe pick up there in 2018 a little bit or or.
But I'm trying to give give some context to where we are today.
David Solomon
You know I'll just just very quickly I was in I but you know way you you introed me I'm in 3 decades My first twenty years I was a sales guy and I was in sales. Um I managed salespeople I was in sales. But what I didn't realize that through my training and through everything I was doing.
David Solomon
Strategy I was literally planning for clients and for the business their strategies. Um and my first one was Walmart Walmart without even knowing it Walmart taught me the notion of retail strategy. But I thought that was normal I found that it wasn't.
David Solomon
I went back to get my Mba at 42 before I met you then I realized I was doing strategies so when I went to go work at these technology companies and when I met you in 2018. It was an ah b two b e-commerce company a little bit ahead of its time they wanted me to. Really grow the business and they didn't know how so it was like okay David develop for us the strategy where do we want to go and that was an interesting journey of taking this small company that had been doing the same thing over and over again and never growing and suddenly saying here's the path. We need to go finding it discovering it.
David Solomon
And then executing it. Um I had I unfortunately had to leave the company. Um for finance because they ran into financial trouble and I unfortunately yeah I was lucky to leave because covid hit 10 days later. Um, and right before covid.
That's right I forget I forgot that you left right before Covid right? That's right right.
David Solomon
And and covered decimated the business. Um, and so then yeah, so I've been in the tech I was in the one we met I was playing in technology all about growing ah a mature company if you will to take them to a new heights.
Because from from there you went into another tech company and then from there you went into the the more cybersecurity space. So again, both mandates were owners brought you in to help achieve sales targets grow the sales team.
David Solomon
And and obviously hit.
David Solomon
Um, it it was more than that it was not just let's grow. It's really how where with what message with and that's what they all when I met them. They all said we have this wonderful thing go sell it and when you dissected it, you realize? no, you don't You're not clear. You're not under so your go to Market was not clear.
David Solomon
Your offer is not clear a lot of things were not clear. They misread the market and so it was about revamping that strategy and then executing and that that was for the business owners that was a shock because they were so sure that they knew what they were doing until I proved that it was not effective. Um. And that's when real growth started to happen in the other technology company was Adams of a 3 d visual company. Um and now but this was all through covid I mean imagine trevor I started in a company. Nobody showed me anything. Nobody told me anything and I had to learn all from my home office during the pandemic. Ah. All the while the whole world is shut down so it was like strategy one is keep the company afloat and then a year later now go but reboot now go build its growth and that that that's that's so essentially what I learned there was pivot be ready to pivot.
David Solomon
Always be ready with new plans and that's what I tried to do with a lot of these companies but very small businesses are just like okay, we just need you to go sell. You can't you need to have first what what we doing and that's what I work with companies with.
But ah, but I think also for a lot of business owners. Especially if they're the founder if they start a company and I don't think it matters necessarily the size of the business but they're also usually the chief salesperson right? They're the the chief evangelist and they're the ones where. The biggest transition they have to make is how do I teach other people to sell the product ah or do I stay on sales full time. They have the relationships but they understand it but they also have the passion and then there's a disconnect between what they see the company is or what the product is. And then when they hire somebody to go out and sell it and there is no strategy. It's just they sell it because that's the only way they kept the lights on.
David Solomon
You You hit the mail in the head and I think that that that was very well said the founders generally are the are the ambassadors. They're the it's it's their baby. Um, if they especially if they built it from scratch and here comes somebody else somebody new and telling them. Oh no, no, there's a better way to do that and the ego gets.
David Solomon
Crushed you know a lot of these business owners. The word I've used lately was is vulnerable when you when you want to grow you have to be prepared to be vulnerable because to take the company from level a to level B you did great job but from B to C is not necessarily your strength.
David Solomon
And bringing in somebody to do that or help you to figure that out. You got to be vulnerable to hear. Okay, this was good. This was not good. Um, you don't have this, you need this whatever and you're right? The passion is very hard to transfer to somebody else. It's your baby you can transfer that the script I mean I have written out.
Yeah, yeah.
David Solomon
Ah, call it script. It's not literally here read this. It's so what do I Tell people why you know and a lot of times the business owner sold because they believed in it so much that they bought based on the emotion not because of the of the facts or the the advantages or whatever bring in person number two and.
David Solomon
That's not the same message anymore and so figuring out that strategy is is is tough for a lot of business owners.
So so a year ago we had a conversation I guess it was about a year ago when you started looking at the current business that you're in and as they were getting ready to pivot and you kind of hit a wall and I don't think you hit a wall but you hit this point of view went and my. Do I want to do this again. Do I do I want to go back out into the market and find another sales job and then or is this how I want to spend this part of my life and dealing with people who again whose egos are getting in the way of sales who who are hiring you to sell but not listening to your strategy.
David Solomon
And handle number 4
And I remember because I remember that conversation and and I said well maybe it's time for you to put the entrepreneur hat on and put your money where your mouth is and step out there and start getting clients and doing it for multiple companies I would love to know now that it's it's been a good wow. But about six months now since you you? What's that journey been for you as you went from employee to now founder owner president I I haven't looked in your linkedin l l halfff a um.
David Solomon
This Yep yep.
David Solomon
Yeah, no I just call myself founder I don't bother Chief bottle washer Chief bottle washer you know.
Chief bottle washer but found founder of your own company and then going out and talking to business owners but not as employee as an equal as ah, as ah as a as a peer.
David Solomon
Um I had I had 2 aha moments in 2023 um one was the global conference and I'll push corporate connections on this end it was. It was a phenomenal experience to be in Mexico and hearing Vern Harnish for the second time.
Um, Newton.
David Solomon
It was both times thanks to corporate connections and I was a big fan of verns and I had done his strategic planning formats and I and I really loved it. I enjoyed it and the aha moment was I sat there and I go why aren't I doing this more often. And then I met a gentleman from Mexico there and I had a great conversation with him because he was doing. He's coaching strategic planning consulting does a whole lot of things. No that was afraid of clever and Nico does nico does it I have I still got to connect with Nico um, hoping to see him in a couple of weeks but
Is that Nico Alfredo yes aredo yes credible yeah Yeah
David Solomon
For me, it was like all about um that aha moment was oh my god why aren't I doing this more often I'm teaching this Miguel I'm not doing this and then you and I have that conversation and that was the kick in the pants I needed. It's like okay, go explore this, go figure this out and my journey was I spent from may to.
David Solomon
August talking to about 30 different corporate connections members around the world asking them what I need to know what I don't know entrepreneurs consultants advisors potential. What would be potential clients but I'm not soliciting them.
And then.
David Solomon
What is it that I need what do I need is there a demand for this and I literally spent months doing this and then in August I was on a on a trip and I picked up the phone and I called Jeanni Paquette our lawyer in our in our chapter and I said okay j r let's go Let's do this I need to I'm going I want to launch. Right away and it was like that. Ah, um, that that I had a conversation with my wife on the bus and said I I need to do this. This is what I want to do I've spoke to the people I've got my path. Let's go and the cool thing is it took till october thanks to the government of Quebec till I got was able to launch. Officially um and the moment I said go and I posted it on Linkedin 3 people called me and said I need your help and I was I was surprised I'd like why I I just opened I just hung my shingle.
Right? right.
David Solomon
And it was just a phenomenal feeling to hear from people to say we've heard you over the years we know what you could do? How can you help us and so it was a great experience that those those aha moments the exploration was unbelievable and I'm still exploring. You know it's only been six months and it's still um, a discovery I'm still in discovery mode.
David Solomon
What people need and want.
What's been the biggest surprise in the last six months.
David Solomon
Um, the biggest surprise is how many business owners um are are are struggling but don't want to find help. It's it's amazing how I use the word vulnerable before and I've had since October Tons of these conversations with other consultants.
David Solomon
Coaches They're finding people frightened, they're scared and they're not moving and now the big challenge for us is how do we move them. How do we get them to realize and I say we as a group not just me how do we get people to realize you know what there are people who can help you. To you know, break that ceiling to crack that ceiling to to take your business to to whole other levels but fear has really paralyzed people.
but I but I think that also comes back to a little bit. You know where we started this conversation where we're talking a little bit about you know the the Gary Vee's of the world or you know the grind culture and in that in and we see.
David Solomon
Um, trip and.
What we assume is success or we see the Instagram posts and it's it's the same thing with with weight loss or anything like that where people go on just struggling or mental health and I think mental health is something that we still don't talk enough about in business or we don't um, we don't give ourselves permission to say.
David Solomon
David Solomon
It's correct.
I'm struggling and I remember being in ah in a forum meeting with with my forum and it was during the pandemic and I I felt pretty I felt pretty down during the the pandemic and not much to complain about but still it was frustrating. Um.
David Solomon
Install instruction.
I'd gone from from being out there and being in front of people to to sitting at home me my wife my daughter trying to share Zoom calls. Um, and and I was seeing people in my forum who were very successful who were traveling and going around and more vacations and.
David Solomon
Working remotely from from fancy countries. But what was interesting is the seven s went around the table and we were all in in a place of this wasn't fun and even though they had access to more money and were able to travel. They were like yeah this has been the worst. Year in a very long time I can't remember having this about a year and it's not business like numbers are good. Business is great I have money I have health. But um, I'm struggling and it was It was such a profound moment to realize when we see the artifice.
David Solomon
Um, right with.
David Solomon
Such a tur.
And when we see you know that analogy of the duck on the water you can't see the feet underneath. We were always like oh they must be doing well or they must you know, be successful or happy or whatever it is and then when you pull that one layer back and it's not a deep layer. You just start scratching a bit. People are like yeah, not not having fun. Not this has not been an easy year and and I think it's such an interesting thing when you're going into businesses and you're you're talking to business owners and that's what I do pretty much all day every day is is talk to business owners. But when you. When you find out kind of what they're dealing with or what they're struggling with it. It's not uncommon for all of us and it's the same thing my business. What's the number 1 thing I would love to tackle this year's growth and and don't I don't I don't know a single business owner that would be like no I'm I've got enough growth like that's good.
David Solomon
Um, you know which is know. Actually you'd be surprised. You'd be surprised that there are people who do not want to grow. They don't want to add more employees. They don't want to add more layers and and I respect that and I think that that's fine because they understand the end game.
Which is which is sure.
David Solomon
Where people which which again, everybody's different though. No trevor everybody has their own endgame and and for me and it's it's interesting because I was on another podcast with Laurie power and and it was really about well what is everybody's endgame you know and you're asking me my endgame you ask me what I want.
David Solomon
And and I told you what I want but when I talk to business owners I say Okay, you're going to work for the next X number of years. What do you want at the end where do you? How do you want to leave this business and they look at me why I'd go I haven't gotten there yet. Well that would help you feel better knowing there's a plan.
David Solomon
And I treated it and I talked about this like a vacation. We planned the living hell out of a vacation but not our business and and I don't understand we spend more time deciding where we're going to go what we're going to eat where we're gonna travel how much money we're going to spend how many days we're gone for but in our business we're saying okay we'll figure it out as we wall.
David Solomon
You can't do that and that's where the malays hits and you know during the pandemic my forum too. We were also stuck at home. No one was happy. Um, most of us were very social outgoing individuals and it was very hard for most of us. Um.
David Solomon
I got lucky because my future daughter in law lived with us for a year so that was a whole other conversation but the the Malle was I don't know what to do I don't have a plan on what to do and it was hard because none of us had to live through a pandemic none of us. And so what do we do? How long is it going to be what's this going to be like and I remember 1 of the members of my farm said you know what I've put in place a few contingency plans here's what we want like that's what you got to do but people don't take the time trevor they're not looking to plan it out because they're putting out 1 fire after another.
David Solomon
They're looking for. They have the next if they took time away from their business turn off their cell phone which is hard sit with the right people around the table and plan the end game and work it backwards. Oh my God We most people would feel a lot better.
So is that what you do with your clients is you help them a look at the end game but be the strategy around how to achieve that. That's what you do.
David Solomon
Essentially that's what I do and it's and it's a very hard conversation. It's a long conversation of the endgame because what do you want it to be. They don't really know we have to figure that part out to a certain extent but I tell them 1 thing your plans are in pencil not in pen you could change it. You know you never know. Um, quick story. My father in law was in the toy business in the 90 s they were never going to sell their idea was to transfer the whole business to the children. The children were going to continue it that was their career and in 95 an american company showed up and offered them to buy the company and that completely pivoted and changed.
David Solomon
And they weren't ready for that. They didn't think about that that was never in their minds and they realized how many mistakes they made because they didn't do it right? Fast forward now almost thirty years um that's what I'm telling companies. Let's plan for these options.
Sure. Okay.
David Solomon
And work it backwards and now let's go to the end five years three years 1 year the next ninety days and then we have we know the path we're going to take and if we have to pivot the pivot is easier because you've already put the contingencies in place.
Fascinating and I just just because obviously there will be people listening to this or or on Linkedin that I'll that I want to know more your company the the new David Solomon business zeroro growth s e r o
David Solomon
David Solomon
Um, yeah.
Growth dot com zerogrowth dot com ah not to be confused with zerogrowth.com give me give me the the backstory on on this name 0
David Solomon
David Solomon
Sero is funny. It's It's actually ah, it's a Latin word for serum. So It's kind of like a strategic plan is the cure to what ails, you know the the males in a business if you will. Um, and that was acute and that's thanks to a former Cc member. Ah Larence alacha who who gave that to me but it's also a play on Cr or Chief revenue officer and your chief revenue officer should be that catalyst for strategic planning of growth and companies can't afford to see ah a Chief revenue officer.
David Solomon
So I played a little bit with the C instead of a C I put E C because s E refers to strategy and execution. So while people say oh it sounds like 0 growth I'm getting people asking me why and that's how I can tell this story. But in reality it's the combination of what a chief revenue officer should be doing for a company that is planning the strategy and making sure that the execution is right and if not pivot.
So I guess also zero growth is the solution or serum for 0 growth there. We go.
David Solomon
Correct but there's no such a thing as 0 growth. You know people think oh I've had a flat year now you either go up or you go down. You don't go stable is not is not positive and it's it's a misnomer. Yeah.
And and and stable is just as bad as going down. Yeah yeah, yeah, there is no nature is ah it's either growth or decline and Stability is the same as decline. Yeah no I'm I'm familiar with that.
David Solomon
Um, that's beautiful. So so people if they're interested if they want to grow if they can't afford their own Chief revenue officer or if they've got a sales team that they feel is not performing or saying ah sales are hard or it's hard to sell this product. Those are all people.
David Solomon
Just for.
Whom you would ah value sitting down with to to be able to look At. Do they have a strategy is there is it sustainable their strategy like what is what are the pieces that you need to put in place for ah whether it's an exit strategy. Ah, long-term strategy or what's the end game that you're playing in your business.
David Solomon
Absolutely and I'll add 1 more thing to that and that is you know going into a new market if you're looking to expand into a new country another city or whatever you need a strategy. You can't wing it and so I've worked working with companies right now planning out that. Growth at real expansion in a smart and in a profitable way. So so yeah, you you hit the nail in the head all of the above.
Um, quite beautiful. Thank you David last question of my short list of questions what gets or what are you most excited about or what just keeps you fired up.
David Solomon
And 2024 what's it What's what's the if you had to distill it to 1 thing. What's the 1 thing that gets you most excited in 2024
David Solomon
Potential and I got to tell you when I part of my exercise I did was my why my personal why and what I found out my personal. Why is I like to help people and see them go beyond what they think they can do and I realize that's why I volunteered That's why I've taught and that's why I was so I want to always.
Um, sure.
David Solomon
Try to help somebody so for me if I see somebody hitting those those objectives or even surpassing those objectives I get such a high. It's crazy. It's not me's them and butd I I get excited. So that's what I'm excited about for 2024 to see how many more people I can help reach you know, go you know.
David Solomon
Exceed their expectations.
That's awesome. That's fantastic and and and I love that you teach um, that's something that I've always thought I would I'd get excited about um unfortunately with a theater degree and no Mba. And there's not a lot of people asking me to to teach their kids I did teach in Ottawa University I did a class in communication last year which was a lot of fun. Um, but most of it was storytelling from from that aspect. So I'm I'm I'm envious of you on that aspect so well done for those who want to want to find you.
David Solomon
You know it's good.
David Solomon
Thank both.
Ah, again, 0 s e r o growth dot com and obviously a member of corporate connections. So corporate connections dot ca we can connect you through David on that one if they want as well. But. I will put your information also in the the liner notes of the the Spotify Podcast David thank you so much. It's great having you here and and excited to to spend the next year and watching you grow.
David Solomon
Um, patriot.
David Solomon
Thank you Trevor and I really appreciate this opportunity and can wait to see where corporate connections grows over the next few years as the baby. Yes baby.
Internationally everywhere. But Canada is a big market for us so that everyone listening today. Hopefully you'll catch us on our next podcast and in future episodes and hopefully we'll see you in person and this is where leaders connect.
David Solomon